Waselius advises Turun Ratapihan Kehitys Oy in a project in which the client has agreed to develop and lease to Strawberry a hotel building in Ratapiha Arena, Turku, a world class event arena being developed by the client. The hotel will have 249 rooms and 1,000 sq m of negotiating spaces. The maturity of the lease agreement is 20 years. Ratapiha Arena is one of Finland’s biggest development projects at the moment. Aside the event arena and the hotel, investment will include, shops, restaurants, offices and housing. For more information on the project (in Finnish) please refer to: https://www.sttinfo.fi/tiedote/70110182/turun-ratapihan-hotellikumppaniksi-pohjoismaiden-suurimpiin-kuuluva-hotellioperaattori-strawberry?publisherId=69819762&lang=fi.