The PRIIPs Regulation (EU Regulation 1286/2014 on key information documents for packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIPs)) entered into force on 1 January 2018. The objective of the PRIIPs Regulation and the corresponding delegated regulation is to provide retail investors with clear and summarised information on packaged retail and insurance-based investment products, presented in a uniform and harmonised manner in a Key Information Document (KID). The KID provides information on the key characteristics and complexity of the investment product as well as the related risks and costs. The purpose of the KID is to enable retail investors to compare and choose financial products based on clear, reliable and comparable information.
The Finnish FSA has in its PRIIPs newsletter and supervisory releases highlighted that KIDs presented to Finnish retail investors must in accordance with Article 7 of the PRIIPs Regulation be prepared in either Finnish or Swedish in order to ensure that the investor has sufficient understanding of the product. Furthermore, KIDs must be filed by either the manufacturer or the distributor with the Finnish FSA at the latest when the offering period commences in Finland. The filing is made for information purposes only and the Finnish FSA will not comment on or approve the KID. The language and filing requirements are applicable whenever KIDs are offered to investors other than professional clients, irrespective of whether the offer is made by way of public offer or private placement.
There are currently no available general exemptions with respect to the translation and filing requirements in Finland. The Finnish FSA will, however, collect information from market participants and reconsider the above language and filing requirements in connection with an upcoming review and recast of the FSA regulations and guidelines on marketing of financial products to investors in Finland.
For further information, please contact
Linda Nyman